
Full Time Teaching and Research Staff

Fahd JARAD, Prof. Dr.
Office: R-204
Phone: 2331410
Web: -
E-mail: fahd@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: Bilkent University, 2001, Turkey
Master: Bilkent University, 1996, Turkey
Bachelor: Middle East Technical University, 1993, Turkey

Research Interests:

Applied Mathematics

Ekin UĞURLU, Prof. Dr.
Head of Department
Doctorate: -
Master: -
Bachelor: , 2007,

Research Interests:


Erol ÖZÇELİK, Prof. Dr.
Head of Department
Office: R-319
Phone: 2331451
Web: -
E-mail: ozcelik@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: Middle East Technical University, 2008, Turkey
Master: Middle East Technical University, 2002, Turkey
Bachelor: Middle East Technical University, 1999, Turkey

Research Interests:

Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Learning, Human-Computer Interaction

Özlem UZUNDEMİR, Prof. Dr.
Head of Department
Office: R-101
Phone: 2331458
Web: -
E-mail: ozlemuzundemir@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: Bilkent, 1996, Turkey
Master: Bilkent, 1991, Turkey
Bachelor: Boğaziçi, 1989, Turkey

Research Interests:

Contemporary fiction, ekphrasis, women's fiction

Head of Department
Office: R-114
Phone: 2331441
Web: -
E-mail: nalanb@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: Hacettepe University, 1991, Turkey
Master: Middle East Technical University, 1985, Turkey
Bachelor: Istanbul University, 1978, Turkey

Research Interests:

Discourse Analysis, Cognitive Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Social Psychology of Language, Foreign Language Teaching (ELT),Translation Studies.

Berkem SAĞLAM, Dr. Instructor
Vice Chair
Phone: 2331414
Web: -
E-mail: berkem@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: Middle East Technical University, 2007, Turkey
Master: Başkent University, 2002, Turkey
Bachelor: Başkent University, 2000, Turkey

Research Interests:

Women Writers, Comparative Literature, Adaptation Studies, Popular Culture and Literature, 19th and 20the Century English Literature

Fatma Neslihan EKMEKÇİOĞLU, Dr. Instructor
Vice Chair
Office: R105
Phone: 2331417
Web: -
E-mail: mayneslie@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: Hacettepe University, 1993, Turkey
Master: Hacettepe University, 1986, Turkey
Bachelor: Hacettepe University, 1977, Turkey

Research Interests:

Shakespeare, Early Modern English Literature, British Drama, The Theatre of the Absurd, Poetry

Mustafa KIRCA, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Scientific Publications Coordinator
Doctorate: Middle East Technical University, 2009, TR
Master: -
Bachelor: , 1996,

Research Interests:

English Literature, Contemporary Novel, Translation Studies, Comparative Studies

Aslı GÖNCÜ KÖSE, Prof. Dr.
Office: FEF-R322
Phone: 2331455
Web: -
E-mail: agoncu@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: Middle East Technical University, 2011, Turkey
Master: Koç University, 2006, Turkey
Bachelor: Middle East Technical University, 2004, Turkey

Research Interests:

Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Social Psychology, Cross-Cultural Psychology

Ertuğrul KOÇ, Prof. Dr.
Office: R-114
Phone: 2331437
Web: -
E-mail: ekoc@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: Bilkent University, 1997, Turkey
Master: Bilkent University, 1992, Turkey
Bachelor: Hacettepe University, 1989, Turkey

Research Interests:

English Literature-Translation and Interpreting Studies

Hande KAYNAK ÇELİK, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Office: 323
Phone: 2331456
Web: -
E-mail: handek@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: METU, 2013,
Master: Hacettepe, 2007,
Bachelor: METU, 2004,

Research Interests:

Cognitive Psychology

Özlem DEFTERLİ, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Doctorate: Middle East Technical University, 2011, Turkey
Master: Çankaya University, 2004, Turkey
Bachelor: Çankaya University, 2002, Turkey

Research Interests:

Integrable and superintegrable systems, Numerical solutions of differential equations, Numerical solutions of fractional differential equations, fractional optimal control, mathematical modelling, mathematical biology

Alexander KUSHPEL, Dr. Instructor
Phone: 2331434
Web: -
E-mail: kushpel@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: Dr. (1984), Dr.Dr. (1992), IMathematics NAS, Ukraine, Dr.Dr., UNICAMP, Brazil (2009), Dr. University of Leicester, England (2015)., 2015,
Master: Kiev Polytechnic University, 1981, Ukraine
Bachelor: Kiev Polytechnic University , 1980, Ukraine

Research Interests:

Functional Analysis, Topology, Geometry of Banach spaces, Financial Mathematics

Ali Özkan ÇAKIRLAR, Dr. Instructor
Office: R-108
Phone: 2331444
Web: -
E-mail: aozkanc@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: Bilkent University, 1996, Türkiye
Master: Bilkent University, 1990, Türkiye
Bachelor: Middle East Technical University, 1988, Türkiye

Research Interests:


Aslı Bahar İNAN, Dr. Instructor
Office: R303
Phone: 2331568
Web: -
E-mail: aslibahar@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: Middle East Technical University, 2009, Turkey
Master: Middle East Technical University, 2004, Turkey
Bachelor: Middle East Technical University, 2002, Turkey

Research Interests:

Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Control and Attention, Visual Perception, Autobiographical Memory, Numerosity Perception

Ceren GÜRDERE, Dr. Instructor
Office: R307
Phone: 2331452
Web: -
E-mail: cereng@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: University of Padova, IT,
Master: Ankara University, TR,
Bachelor: Bilkent University, TR,

Research Interests:

Clinical Psychology, Transdiagnostic Risk and Protective Factors

Ceylan YALÇIN, Dr. Instructor
Office: R 202
Phone: 2331439
Web: -
E-mail: cyalcin@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: -
Master: -
Bachelor: , 2010,

Research Interests:


Erkan Murat TÜRKAN, Dr. Instructor
Office: R216
Phone: 2331423
Web: -
E-mail: emturkan@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: Middle East Technical University, 2011, TURKEY
Master: -
Bachelor: Middle East Technical University, 2004,

Research Interests:


Esra KARAOĞLU, Dr. Instructor
Office: R-206
Phone: 2331428
Web: -
E-mail: ekaraoglu@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: -
Master: -
Bachelor: , 2009,

Research Interests:


Esra GÜLDOĞAN LEKESİZ, Dr. Instructor
Office: R-218
Phone: 2331422
Web: -
E-mail: esraguldoganlekesiz@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: -
Master: -
Bachelor: , 2013,

Research Interests:


Özge ÜSTÜNDAĞ GÜVENÇ, Dr. Instructor
Office: R - 107
Phone: 2331416
Web: -
E-mail: ozgeguvenc@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: Çankaya University, 2018, Turkey
Master: Çankaya University, 2003, Turkey
Bachelor: Hacettepe University, 1997, Turkey

Research Interests:

English Language Teaching English Literature

Şerife DALBUDAK, Dr. Instructor
Office: R-113
Phone: 2331582
Web: -
E-mail: sdalbudak@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: -
Master: -
Bachelor: , 1988,

Research Interests:


Şeyma BİLAZEROĞLU, Dr. Instructor
Office: R-203
Phone: 2331433
Web: -
E-mail: sbilazeroglu@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: TOBB ETU, 2018,
Master: TOBB ETU, 2012,
Bachelor: METU, 2010,

Research Interests:

Mathematical Biology, Stability Analysis, Bifurcation

Yağmur SÖNMEZ DEMİR, Dr. Instructor
Office: R-104
Phone: 2331415
Web: -
E-mail: yagmurs@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: Middle East Technical University, 2020, Turkey
Master: Çankaya University, 2012, Turkey
Bachelor: Middle East Technical University, 2010, Turkey

Research Interests:

Contemporary novel, Narrative theories, Romantic Poetry, Genre Fiction.

Aslı YALÇIN, Lecturer
Office: asliyalcin@cankaya.edu.tr
Phone: 2331454
Web: -
E-mail: asliyalcin@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: Middle East Technical University, M.E.T.U. , 2017, Turkey
Master: Middle East Technical University, M.E.T.U. , 2010, Turkey
Bachelor: Middle East Technical University, M.E.T.U. , 2006, Turkey

Research Interests:

Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Social Psychology, Job Analysis, Personnel Selection, Work-Family Conflict, Attitudes at Work

Bülent AKAT, Lecturer
Office: R Blok 120
Phone: 2331446
Web: -
E-mail: bakat@cankaya.edu.tr


Research Interests:


Hasan Hüseyin SEÇİLMİŞ, Lecturer
Office: R-321
Phone: 2331560
Web: -
E-mail: hsecilmis@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, -,
Master: Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, 2019,
Bachelor: Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, 2016,

Research Interests:

Personality disorders, cyber psychology, internet gaming disorder, psychometry

Office: R-205
Phone: 2331436
Web: -
E-mail: ngokgoz@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: M.E.T.U., 2014, Turkey
Master: M.E.T.U., 2008, Turkey
Bachelor: M.E.T.U., 2005, Turkey

Research Interests:

Dynamical Systems, Computational Biology, Mathematical Modeling, Hybrid dynamical Systems

Beyza Havvanur SARIMEHMET, Research Assistant
Office: R-106
Phone: 2331426
Web: -
E-mail: havvanur.beyzas@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: -
Master: Hacettepe University , 2024, Turkey
Bachelor: Hacettepe University , 2021, Turkey

Research Interests:


Ece Sezen BAĞCI, Research Assistant
Office: R324
Phone: +90 312 233 14 19
Web: -
E-mail: sezenbagci@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: -
Master: Middle East Technical University, -,
Bachelor: Middle East Technical University , 2022,

Research Interests:

Political psychology, intergroup relations, social identity theory, activism

Hakkı Kağan YUMAK, Research Assistant
Office: R-201
Phone: 2331563
Web: -
E-mail: kaganyumak@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: -
Master: -
Bachelor: , 2022,

Research Interests:


Muhammed ŞEN, Research Assistant
Office: R-208
Phone: 2331432
Web: -
E-mail: msen@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: -
Master: -
Bachelor: , 2023,

Research Interests:


Naime ERTÜRK, Research Assistant
Office: R-115
Web: -
E-mail: naime.erturk@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: -
Master: -
Bachelor: , 2022,

Research Interests:


Part Time Teaching Staff

Administrative Staff

Levent AKGÜÇ, Office Clerk
Office: A Blok 2
Phone: 2331420
Web: -
E-mail: akguc@cankaya.edu.tr

Nilgün VAROL, Office Clerk
Office: öğr.işl.
Phone: 2331410-2331450
Web: -
E-mail: varol@cankaya.edu.tr

Aydan YOLCU, Secretary
Office: A Blok 130 / B
Phone: 2331413-2331440
Web: -
E-mail: aydan@cankaya.edu.tr